Welcome to "A Runner's Wife"

Some of my writings will be about running, some might just be everyday things, some might be what I have to do because my husand runs. Feel free to share your thoughts. I hope you enjoy my crazy ramblings...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville!

Tonight we are enjoying a frozen concoction! We picked up two bottles of the Margaritaville Mango Mix while we were at Myrtle Beach. When put through the smoothie maker this just might be the best frozen drink EVER! We have a Waylon Jennings special waiting on DVR. So the night is off to a perfect start!
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone

Friday, February 25, 2011

Myrtle Beach Marathon Pictures

Sorry it has taken me so long to get some of the pictures up from the marathon.  I hope to add more but this is better than nothing.  We were able to get pictures at the start, around mile 7, around mile 17, and the finish line.  Karen was sweet enough to forward some of the pictures that she got while they were running Ocean Blvd.  As soon as I get pictures from more of our runners I will post them.  I will also try to post this in a way that is easy to see.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let Me Introduce My Cats!

I tell people that I own three cats, but that's not actually correct.  If I told the truth, Paul & I belong to three cats.  As anyone who has a cat or cats will quickly tell you, you do not rule them, they rule you!
Rosie is in front and Zoe is in the background.

Rosie is our oldest.  She is a true lady.  She mostly just sleeps and tries to stay away from the other two cats.  She is a true snuggler!
Jasmine showing off her groundhog impression.
Jasmine comes next.  She is spoiled rotten!  She was found as a kitten in a cardboard box, just don't tell her, she thinks she is a princess.  She will stand and hold her arms up for you to carry her around and she loves to play fetch.  And as you can see, she is a bit on the heavy side.  Last weigh in she was right under 20lbs.
Zoe in her bed.
Zoe is our youngest.  She is two years old and the most spoiled of the bunch.  She will only eat can food, and it has to be a certain type.  If she is hungry she will either smack Paul on his head with her paws (no claws), lick his head, or head butt his chin until he gets out of bed to feed her!
Zoe trying to look big.
Zoe is VERY playful.  I can't imagine how big Jasmine would be if Zoe wasn't there to keep her active!  Whenever they start getting rough Zoe will puff up, I assume trying to match Jasmine in size! LOL!
Jasmine & Zoe getting lovings from Paul.
As you can see they have Paul right where they want him! Giving lots of love and petting.  Now they are just fighting over who gets to lay closest to Paul. 

Ah, what joys they bring us.  I will be sure to post more about them as they are always into something.  First I just wanted to introduce them to everyone.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ANIMAL CRACKERS VIDEO - Too funny not to share!

This was just too funny not to share! I LOVE the groundhog, Alan! Alan! Alan! LOL. He is my favorite! OK, everyone. Watch the video and let me know which animal is your favorite.

Really? This could be a problem.

OK, on the way home from the beach we passed my favorite escape ramp.  This is located on I77, and has always cracked me up.  Its really just the layout of the road that makes it look so crazy.  The sign is pointing to an escape ramp that is located on another road and the real escape ramp is on the other side of the bridge.  But can you imagine the poor trucker who doesn't know the road?  I would be interested to see a 18wheeler try to make that jump!  Now that would be worth watching!!!!!!
You might have to click the picture to full size in order to see the ramp and sign clearly.

Monday, February 21, 2011

MIA, sorry!

Sorry I haven't been posting. When Paul and I have time off together you won't find me near a computer. He has to go back to work tomorrow, so I promise to post pictures and stats from the marathon!
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone

Sunday, February 20, 2011

On The Road Again

Ah, Pilot Mountain is always a welcome site on the way home. It shows we are getting closer! Yeah! Marathon went great! Will post some pictures soon.
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone