Welcome to "A Runner's Wife"

Some of my writings will be about running, some might just be everyday things, some might be what I have to do because my husand runs. Feel free to share your thoughts. I hope you enjoy my crazy ramblings...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Almost time for Myrtle Beach Marathon

Well, it's almost time for the Myrtle Beach Marathon!  Hopefully things will go much better this year then they did last year!  So far it is looking like highs are supposed to be in the 60's for Saturday, YEAH!  Paul has all of his long runs in and is now fighting the "tapering" cold.  It looks like we are going to have a great turn out from our Running Club.  I think this should be the largest amount of runners from the Southern West Virginia Road Runners Club to ever participate at one time!  Way to go guys!  And surprisingly it looks as if the Myrtle Beach Marathon will have another record turn-out this year, despite them cancelling due to snow last year.  The half-marathon is already sold out and on-line registration has already been cut off for the marathon, however, they state there are more spots that you can fill if you sign up at the expo.  That is my favorite part!  I love to wonder through the expo and see what new products are being offered.  And all the free products are amazing!  Paul is always so shocked to see all of the free items that I have gathered up while he is shopping.  Last year I was able to get a wine bag, free diners at Chick-Fil-a, chap stick, hand warmers, and so much more.  I love freebies!!!  Not really looking forward to a 6:30am start time (which means we will need to be there around 5:30am), that is tough on a night shifter, but it means we will have more of the evening left after he rests.  We are hoping to head to the After Party at the House of Blues.  We have never been to it so I am really hoping that Paul feels up to going.  We have been there for a concert and loved it, but have not been able to attend the After Party there yet.  OK, I know I have jumped all over the place with my rambling but hopefully I will get the hang of this soon and it will improve.  Feel free to post any advice.  Have a great day!

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